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hans hendriks | profile | all galleries >> Flora & fauna >> Insecten/Insects tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


I try to get the right names with the pictures.
But I'm just an amateur biologist, feel free to comment
if you think I'm wrong.

I already got a lot of help from:Piet Brouwer and Chris van Gijs

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Larve lieveheersbeestje
Larve lieveheersbeestje
Cicindela hybrida Northern dune tiger beetle Bronzen zandloopkever
Cicindela hybrida
Northern dune tiger beetle
Bronzen zandloopkever
Oedemera nobilis False oil beetleFraaie schijnbok
Oedemera nobilis
False oil beetle
Fraaie schijnbok
Phyllopertha horticola Garden chafer Johanneskever of Rozenkever
Phyllopertha horticola
Garden chafer
Johanneskever of Rozenkever
Rhagonycha fulva Kleine rode weekschild
Rhagonycha fulva
Kleine rode weekschild
u47/hhf/medium/30923947.040608013b.jpg Cantharis obscura/paradoxa
Cantharis obscura/paradoxa
Pyrochroa serraticornis Roodkopvuurkever
Pyrochroa serraticornis
Gastrophysa viridula Green dock beetle Groen zuringhaantje
Gastrophysa viridula
Green dock beetle
Groen zuringhaantje
Gastrophysa viridula Green dock beetle Groen zuringhaantje
Gastrophysa viridula
Green dock beetle
Groen zuringhaantje
Chrysomela populi Grote populierenhaan
Chrysomela populi
Grote populierenhaan
Coenagrion puella Azure damselfly Azuurwaterjuffer
Coenagrion puella
Azure damselfly
Ischnura elegans Blue-tailed damselfly Lantaarntje
Ischnura elegans
Blue-tailed damselfly
Ischnura elegans Blue-tailed damselfly Lantaarntje
Ischnura elegans
Blue-tailed damselfly
Aeshna Mixta Migrant Hawker Paardenbijter
Aeshna Mixta
Migrant Hawker
Sympetrum sanguineum Ruddy darter Bloedrode heidelibel
Sympetrum sanguineum
Ruddy darter
Bloedrode heidelibel
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