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Henry Heerschap | profile | all galleries >> The Pacific Northwest >> Fort Worden State Park tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Fort Worden State Park

Point Wilson Lighthouse
Point Wilson Lighthouse
Container ship and Mt. Baker
Container ship and Mt. Baker
Ruin amidst the trees
Ruin amidst the trees
Point Wilson Lighthouse
Point Wilson Lighthouse
Mt Baker
Mt Baker
Somebody's always got a bigger lens
Somebody's always got a bigger lens
Rust and the Mountain
Rust and the Mountain
Mountain, Lighthouse and Rust
Mountain, Lighthouse and Rust
End of the Road
End of the Road
Battery 1
Battery 1
Battery 2
Battery 2
Battery 3
Battery 3
Battery 4
Battery 4
Battery 5
Battery 5
Battery 6
Battery 6
Battery 7
Battery 7
Battery 8
Battery 8
Battery 9
Battery 9
Battery 10
Battery 10