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Yaadgar-e-Shuhadah, Mang

List of Mang martyrs of 1965 and 1971 conflicts.

District Sudhnoti
Azad Jammu & Kashmir

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tanveer arif 15-Feb-2013 06:53
these are real hero of kashmiri nation
salam to these great mens who sacrifice their life
for the sake of jammu kashmir
but unfortunately we are forget our national heros
and their sacrifices today we must follow these
great heros and do made struggle for the freedom
and independence of jammu kashmir
tanveer arif
Basharat Hussain Adil Kuwait 12-Jul-2010 04:12
These are the real Heros of our nation.
majid savri mong 24-Jun-2010 07:19
great hanif bahi
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