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North Sulawesi, Indonesia 10-11/06

Images from Bunaken Marine Park, and Lembeh Strait taken in October and November of 2006
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Butterflyfish 2.jpg
Butterflyfish 2.jpg
Butterflyfish 4.jpg
Butterflyfish 4.jpg
Christmas Tree Worm.jpg
Christmas Tree Worm.jpg
Electric clam off.jpg
Electric clam off.jpg
Electric clam on.jpg
Electric clam on.jpg
Lionfish 1.jpg
Lionfish 1.jpg
Shrimp and  Shrimp Goby.jpg
Shrimp and Shrimp Goby.jpg
Wire Coral Goby.jpg
Wire Coral Goby.jpg
Mantis Shrimp
Mantis Shrimp
Mantis Shrimp
Mantis Shrimp
Emperor Shrimp on Nudibranch
Emperor Shrimp on Nudibranch
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