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Henk Bril | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> Plates from old Astronomy Books (updated 2024) >> Tom Telescope - The Newtonian System of Philosophy (1768) > Face or Map of the Moon as it appears through a Telescope
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Henk Bril's Collection

Face or Map of the Moon as it appears through a Telescope

This drawing of the Moon shows some recognizable craters:
Tycho (lower left), Copernicus (right froom the centre) and Kepler (to the right of Copernicus) are the most clearly recognizable. All show some rays.
Others are Aristoteles, Archimedes, Plato and Cassini, all near the Apennines and Caucasus Mountains.
The ray on the upper left could perhaps be the Alpine Valley, but if so, its position is not accurate.

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