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Pat Hemlepp | profile | all galleries >> Birds and animals >> Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings

Regal pose
Regal pose
Spot of red
Spot of red
Checking the area
Checking the area
Bright Cardinal
Bright Cardinal
Winter morning
Winter morning
Quiet morning
Quiet morning
Colors and snow
Colors and snow
Cardinal and snow
Cardinal and snow
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Perfect posture
Perfect posture
With berries
With berries
On a fence post
On a fence post
Resting female
Resting female
Icy perch
Icy perch
Female in winter
Female in winter
Morning sun
Morning sun
Winter scene
Winter scene
Cold female Cardinal
Cold female Cardinal
Cardinal at rest
Cardinal at rest
Between branches
Between branches
Red and green
Red and green
In the snow
In the snow
Male Cardinal
Male Cardinal
Winter profile
Winter profile
Cardinal watching
Cardinal watching
Snowy background
Snowy background
Cardinal, falling snow
Cardinal, falling snow
Color among leaves
Color among leaves
On a feeder
On a feeder
In a bush
In a bush
Cardinal in sun
Cardinal in sun
Pair of cardinals
Pair of cardinals
Young Cardinal
Young Cardinal
Red on brown
Red on brown
In the sun
In the sun
Up close
Up close
Cardinal in tree
Cardinal in tree
Snowy morning
Snowy morning
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Cardinal, spring morning
Cardinal, spring morning
Surrounded by branches
Surrounded by branches
Calling cardinal
Calling cardinal
Above the snow
Above the snow
Standing tall
Standing tall
Cardinal in sun
Cardinal in sun
Cardinal in field
Cardinal in field
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Cardinal in brown field
Cardinal in brown field
Small perch
Small perch
In the berries
In the berries
Looking around
Looking around
Snowy Cardinal
Snowy Cardinal
At rest
At rest
Slanted perch
Slanted perch
Checking back
Checking back
Cardinal, autumn field
Cardinal, autumn field
Looking back
Looking back
Top perch
Top perch
Facing the sun
Facing the sun
Blending in
Blending in
On a small branch
On a small branch
White background
White background
Touch of sunlight
Touch of sunlight
Touch of color
Touch of color
Carrying berries
Carrying berries
Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal
All alone
All alone
Snow day
Snow day
Cardinal in sun
Cardinal in sun
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Bowed head
Bowed head
Red, white and green
Red, white and green
High crest
High crest
Cardinal in snow
Cardinal in snow
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Red on white
Red on white
Cardinal in branches
Cardinal in branches
Spotted with snow
Spotted with snow
Sunny morning
Sunny morning
Facing the sun
Facing the sun
Resting Cardinal
Resting Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Winter background
Winter background
On a limb
On a limb
Cardinal in blowing snow
Cardinal in blowing snow
Hanging around
Hanging around
Quiet Cardinal
Quiet Cardinal
Cardinal in leaves
Cardinal in leaves
Cardinal eating
Cardinal eating
Portrait of a lady
Portrait of a lady
On a vine
On a vine
Cardinal in field
Cardinal in field
Cardinal profile
Cardinal profile
Hanging on
Hanging on
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Morning song
Morning song
Snowy background
Snowy background
Male Cardinal in winter
Male Cardinal in winter
Matching leaves
Matching leaves
Spot of red
Spot of red
Touch of red
Touch of red
Looking around
Looking around
Female Cardinal in winter
Female Cardinal in winter
Alert Cardinal
Alert Cardinal
Bright bird
Bright bird
Eye contact
Eye contact
Cardinal at rest
Cardinal at rest
In the woods
In the woods
Angled perch
Angled perch
Close profile
Close profile
On a log
On a log
White background
White background
Touch of red
Touch of red
Cold Cardinal
Cold Cardinal
Cardinal on blue
Cardinal on blue
At rest
At rest
Cardinal in sun
Cardinal in sun
Cold day
Cold day
On a feeder
On a feeder
Cardinal close-up
Cardinal close-up
On the ground
On the ground
Eye to eye
Eye to eye
Red, yellow, green
Red, yellow, green
Snowy morning
Snowy morning
Bright spot
Bright spot
Snowy feathers
Snowy feathers
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Clinging Cardinal
Clinging Cardinal
Pretty profile
Pretty profile
Cardinal on limb
Cardinal on limb
Snowy morning
Snowy morning
Male Cardinal
Male Cardinal
Singing Cardinal
Singing Cardinal
Cardinal colors
Cardinal colors
Male Cardinal
Male Cardinal
On the ground
On the ground
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Cardinal in green
Cardinal in green
Male Cardinal
Male Cardinal
Winter brightener
Winter brightener
Winter Cardinal
Winter Cardinal
Snow bird
Snow bird
In the cold
In the cold
Red and white
Red and white
Gray day
Gray day
Winter color
Winter color
Singing cardinal
Singing cardinal
Facing flurries
Facing flurries
Male Cardinal
Male Cardinal
Looking back
Looking back
Relaxed Cardinal
Relaxed Cardinal
Eye contact
Eye contact
Snowy backdrop
Snowy backdrop
In the leaves
In the leaves
In the woods
In the woods
Cardinal and snow
Cardinal and snow
Red bird
Red bird
Red with leaves
Red with leaves
On an angle
On an angle
Cardinal profile
Cardinal profile
Winter perch
Winter perch
Dark morning
Dark morning
Cold feet
Cold feet
On white
On white
Red cold
Red cold
Out on a limb
Out on a limb
Flying snow
Flying snow
Winter red
Winter red
Sloping perch
Sloping perch
Contemplative Cardinal
Contemplative Cardinal
Quiet time
Quiet time
Meal time
Meal time
From the side
From the side
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Leaning forward
Leaning forward
In the sun
In the sun
Against the snow
Against the snow
Food visit
Food visit
View from behind
View from behind
Warm red
Warm red
A spot of dirt
A spot of dirt
Winter perch
Winter perch
Framed by branches
Framed by branches
At rest
At rest
Standing tall
Standing tall
Lone Cardinal
Lone Cardinal
Cardinal stare
Cardinal stare
Cardinal in the cold
Cardinal in the cold
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Diagonal perch
Diagonal perch
On a limb
On a limb
Sideways glance
Sideways glance
Quiet spot
Quiet spot
A look
A look
Cardinal on log
Cardinal on log
Lady Cardinal
Lady Cardinal
Meal time
Meal time
Sitting pretty
Sitting pretty
Resting Cardinal
Resting Cardinal
In the forest
In the forest
Rear view
Rear view
With snowflakes
With snowflakes
Cold morning
Cold morning
Cold perch
Cold perch
Cardinal in the woods
Cardinal in the woods
Red and gray
Red and gray
Sideways glance
Sideways glance
Sitting quietly
Sitting quietly
Over the shoulder
Over the shoulder
Snowy background
Snowy background
Against the cold
Against the cold
Slick perch
Slick perch
Looking away
Looking away
Good grip
Good grip
Pretty pose
Pretty pose
Cardinal gazing
Cardinal gazing
Resting Cardinal
Resting Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
On a log
On a log
Staying alert
Staying alert
Fighting the chill
Fighting the chill
Lady Cardinal
Lady Cardinal
Cardinal on blue
Cardinal on blue
Ready position
Ready position
Tight grip
Tight grip
Shades of red
Shades of red
Above the berries
Above the berries
Little lady
Little lady
Fall Cardinal
Fall Cardinal
On watch
On watch
In the snow
In the snow
Ready to fly
Ready to fly
Red on winter white
Red on winter white
Female Cardinal at rest
Female Cardinal at rest
Resting position
Resting position
Soaking up sunshine
Soaking up sunshine
On a limb
On a limb
Facing the sun
Facing the sun
Red and fluffy
Red and fluffy
Red on watch
Red on watch
Winter red
Winter red
Quiet moment
Quiet moment
Cold spot
Cold spot
Curious Cardinal
Curious Cardinal
Gazing Cardinal
Gazing Cardinal
Leaning Cardinal
Leaning Cardinal
Back view
Back view
Female Cardinal
Female Cardinal
Looking away
Looking away
Quiet lady
Quiet lady
Red, resting
Red, resting
Sitting quietly
Sitting quietly
Toward the sun
Toward the sun
Snowy Cardinal
Snowy Cardinal
Among fall leaves
Among fall leaves
Cardinal and berries
Cardinal and berries
Taking a look
Taking a look
Her best side?
Her best side?
Casual glance
Casual glance
Watchful Cardinal
Watchful Cardinal
Soft colors
Soft colors
Standing tall
Standing tall
Male Cardinal
Male Cardinal
Red and ruffled
Red and ruffled
Staying alert
Staying alert
Looking ahead
Looking ahead
In the shade
In the shade
Paying attention
Paying attention
Ruffled feathers
Ruffled feathers
Relaxed perch
Relaxed perch
Glancing back
Glancing back
Red and white
Red and white
On alert
On alert
Stretching for seeds
Stretching for seeds
Calm Cardinal
Calm Cardinal
Perched Cardinal
Perched Cardinal
Looking back
Looking back
Standing out
Standing out
Cardinal relaxing
Cardinal relaxing
Cold Cardinal
Cold Cardinal
Red and green
Red and green
Cautious Cardinal
Cautious Cardinal
Backlit Cardinal
Backlit Cardinal
Cardinal at rest
Cardinal at rest
Red through the snow
Red through the snow
Resting lady Cardinal
Resting lady Cardinal
Cardinal at rest
Cardinal at rest
Alert eyes
Alert eyes
Facing the sun
Facing the sun
Morning Cardinal
Morning Cardinal
Casual Cardinal
Casual Cardinal
Winter background
Winter background
Cardinal in contrast
Cardinal in contrast
Cardinal profile
Cardinal profile
Alert profile
Alert profile
Feather issues
Feather issues
Quiet perch
Quiet perch
In the spotlight
In the spotlight
Hanging around
Hanging around
Eye contact
Eye contact
Red alert
Red alert
Quiet Cardinal
Quiet Cardinal
Keeping an eye out
Keeping an eye out
On a branch
On a branch
Backlit Cardinal
Backlit Cardinal
Cardinal in the sun
Cardinal in the sun
Cardinal in winter
Cardinal in winter
Cardinal in morning
Cardinal in morning
Watching closely
Watching closely
A nibble
A nibble
Morning sun
Morning sun
A touch of color
A touch of color
Cardinal and leaves
Cardinal and leaves
Looking back
Looking back
Resting Cardinal
Resting Cardinal
Cardinal, up close
Cardinal, up close
Ruffled Cardinal
Ruffled Cardinal
On a branch
On a branch
Cardinal in hiding
Cardinal in hiding
Molting Cardinal
Molting Cardinal
Singing cardinal
Singing cardinal
Female Dickcissel
Female Dickcissel
Painted Bunting
Painted Bunting
Among the flowers
Among the flowers
Blue singer
Blue singer
Bunting stretch
Bunting stretch
Bunting calling
Bunting calling
Indigo blue
Indigo blue
Blue on green
Blue on green
Indigo Bunting (fall plumage)
Indigo Bunting (fall plumage)
A bit of blue
A bit of blue
Bunting on top
Bunting on top
Indigo Bunting
Indigo Bunting
Indigo Bunting fledgling
Indigo Bunting fledgling
Blues singer
Blues singer
Blue and green
Blue and green
Young Bunting
Young Bunting
Bunting on limb
Bunting on limb
Female Indigo Bunting
Female Indigo Bunting
Hitting high notes
Hitting high notes
Bunting in a field
Bunting in a field
Bunting song
Bunting song
Spider bite
Spider bite
Fall colors
Fall colors
Indigo Bunting in sun
Indigo Bunting in sun
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Resting Grosbeak
Resting Grosbeak
Grosbeak on green
Grosbeak on green
Grosbeak in tree
Grosbeak in tree
Female Grosbeak
Female Grosbeak