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Help Topics
    Why are there different image sizes?
    When you upload an image to PBase, three versions of the image (other than the original you uploaded) are automatically generated - small, medium and large.
    The small is no larger than 160 pixels on either side, the medium no larger than 400 pixels, and the large is no larger than 800 pixels.
    PBase will only generate sizes that are smaller than your original. So, if your original is smaller than 800 pixels on both sides, no large will be generated.

    When viewing the image, if different size files exist for the same image, you will have your choice of sizes. This is useful if you have a slow internet connection and want to view a smaller size, or if you want greater detail and want to view a larger size.
    Once you choose a size, PBase will make that your default viewing size on that computer until you choose a different size.
    The initial default viewing size for everyone is large.

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