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Helen Betts | all galleries >> Bird trials >> The Cardinal Saga > Mr. Cardinal in the bath
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Mr. Cardinal in the bath

Sahraa and I were out for a walk when I saw both Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal taking a bath in someone’s yard. They immediately flew away, but he returned for one more drenching, and I was able to get a few shots.

Best to view in "Original" because other versions resized by Pbase are decidedly

Where air, land and sea intersect, posted earlier:

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max
1/60s f/2.2 at 7.5mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh05-Dec-2021 15:28
How lovely! V
Julie Oldfield10-Jun-2021 23:38
He seems to be keeping an eye out on you. I really like the reflection under him. Nicely done. V
Don Mottershead10-Jun-2021 23:19
"Can't a guy have some privacy?"
He's definitely giving you the stinkeye.
janescottcumming10-Jun-2021 21:56
A pretty nice bathtub for him! V
bill friedlander10-Jun-2021 14:46
Nice to cool off in such pleasant surroundings. V
danad10-Jun-2021 14:24
A very nice scene ! V.
Nick Paoni10-Jun-2021 13:31
Love this comp with the star of the show taking center stage.
Philip P10-Jun-2021 13:11
I'd exit, if someone photographed me in the bath too! Great capture!
pkocinski10-Jun-2021 11:40
Good catch.
Pierre10-Jun-2021 10:50
Un petit bain en ces journées chaudes, une superbe photo de ce comportement! V
Nestor Derkach10-Jun-2021 08:03
A hot day and perfect for a bath they love shallow water excellent capture of the wet Cardinal.
Bet the cool off was a real treat for him.
John Hamers10-Jun-2021 07:48
Great catch of this bathing cardinal. Its color is so striking in the midst of setting. V!
joseantonio10-Jun-2021 03:38
nice capture with the Iphone.V.
Fong Lam10-Jun-2021 03:16
Must be refreshing taking a bath in that small stream.....a delightful find and capture....V
Gill Kopy10-Jun-2021 02:38
He sure has a very attractive place for his bath - super catch ! V
LynnH10-Jun-2021 02:06
They come to my bird bath very early and very late every day. They seem to love bathing! Good capture of this guy shaking around.. V
larose forest photos10-Jun-2021 00:35
This made me smile! What a delightful and well photographed shot. V
hayl10-Jun-2021 00:32
A lovely water feature and a welcome one for the cardinal.
Pierre Martin10-Jun-2021 00:24
such a beautiful bath creation, would love to have one like this, splendid shot!
Dave Berry10-Jun-2021 00:03
Very cool capture. The iPhone does a great job. V
globalgadabout10-Jun-2021 00:00
bathing al fresco...a daring choice for a cardinal..
Carl Carbone09-Jun-2021 23:56
Nice catch! The birds love these little water features. I can't wait to put one in myself.
Dennis Hoyne09-Jun-2021 23:53
This is a wonderful shot! I've never seen a cardinal splashing about before.
Isabel Cutler09-Jun-2021 23:46
Oh! What a lucky shot. I've never seen a cardinal bathing!
Graeme09-Jun-2021 23:43
A great capture of this cardinal in the bath, maybe he was a little too hot today! V