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03-MAR-2009 © DK Hein 2009


A Thursday Challenge project that completely ran amok.

These were among the very last images I ever captured of the Samcat, so it was only fitting that this project
be printed and framed as a 16x24 poster. It's a worthy tribute to the beloved shopcat that now graces my office.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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shatterbug10-Mar-2009 04:35
Very cool!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)07-Mar-2009 13:28
B/W cat:cool!vVv
J. Scott Coile06-Mar-2009 22:38
Oh my! You went way far beyond on this challenge... BrAvO!
Mostafa Moftah06-Mar-2009 14:07
Fantastic.. V~
Guest 06-Mar-2009 08:49
Great artwork Dave. Well thought ;)
Guest 06-Mar-2009 06:43
This looks like it was a lot of work!
January Grey06-Mar-2009 04:22
A wonderful presentation, Dave. But poor Sam...the can hasn't been opened, and I'm sure she knows what's in it!
Lee G06-Mar-2009 00:11
Track #5 sounds interesting..
Cool creation, Dave.
monil05-Mar-2009 23:30
Love this picture very nice composition.
Very cute :)v