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Jeff B. | all galleries >> Travel >> Venice Carnival 2019 >> City of Venice > *
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02-Mar-2019 Jeff Buege


Canon EOS 5DS R
817s f/16.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
carol j. phipps17-Dec-2020 05:07
Pristine! V
Markus Grompe13-Dec-2020 18:38
what strength of ND filter did you use? great image
Ken Zaret11-Dec-2020 02:47
Cool trick. Razor sharp.
janescottcumming31-Mar-2019 11:46
Wow, so did you do that! Beautiful. V
Bob B.27-Mar-2019 13:32
Patience is rewarded! V
joseantonio27-Mar-2019 05:18
light was just perfect.Very nice work with the long exposure.V.
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