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Jeff B. | profile | all galleries >> Northwest Bucket List >> Idaho >> Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue

Idaho Falls, ID

At North Tourist Park, a 27-ft. tall Indian head carved from a Douglas Fir in 1980 by Peter Wolf Toth.
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue
Trail of the Whispering Giants - Peter Toth Statue