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Hans Chr. Sørensen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Visits to a medieval town tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Visits to a medieval town

Old house
Old house
Back to the work
Back to the work
The daily work
The daily work
Drying of skin
Drying of skin
Preparing for the firing of 'Blide'
Preparing for the firing of 'Blide'
Idyll in the medieval town.
Idyll in the medieval town.
The Rope makers wife and child
The Rope makers wife and child
The ropemakers house
The ropemakers house
In weaver
In weaver
The daily bread
The daily bread
Blacksmith at work
Blacksmith at work
Brave Knights
Brave Knights
Knight Henry Swan
Knight Henry Swan
Sir Manfred of Holeby
Sir Manfred of Holeby
Ready for battle
Ready for battle
To attack
To attack
With raised lance
With raised lance
Preparing for battle
Preparing for battle
The fight!
The fight!