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hayl | all galleries >> Galleries >> People and Things > Montreal Moments (3 photos)
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Montreal Moments (3 photos)

A Field of Poppies - art installation outside Musee des Beaux Arts.
Photos taken with an elderly point & shoot as the 30 degree heat discouraged taking a larger camera.

Chihuly glass installation outside Musee des Beaux Arts

Chihuly Exhibit- Unlike the National Gallery, signs encourage photographers to take and
share their pictures of the exhibits.

other sizes: small medium original auto
larose forest photos10-Mar-2019 18:52
Exquisite set of images, the last particularly is stunning.
wade clare04-Oct-2013 13:58
Cool images,Linda
Cynthia (Cindy) Sutcliffe15-Sep-2013 21:17
Very cool! Beautiful!
Jen 14-Sep-2013 01:50
Such beautiful shots and I love the composition!
Penny B13-Sep-2013 21:31
Three very colourful images. The glass is just beautiful.
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