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Greg Harp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Most Viewed Images > Leaves in Ice ~ February 23 [15]
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23-FEB-2007 Greg Harp

Leaves in Ice ~ February 23 [15]

New London, Minnesota

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 09-Mar-2007 15:56
Wonderful image!
Sue Robertson02-Mar-2007 00:13
Fascinating. image.
Sara 01-Mar-2007 15:30
I can see you!
Guest 25-Feb-2007 21:25
Excellent image, love the colors..V
Dallas Hyatt25-Feb-2007 18:44
Fantastic image. I like the dream-like quality. Well done!
Thierry Lucas25-Feb-2007 17:38
Very nice capture.
ewa toll25-Feb-2007 09:38
nice shot
QUERIDO25-Feb-2007 07:57
very nice shot,vote
Guest 25-Feb-2007 07:17
Excellent how your shadow reveals the colors under the ice. Unusual and very compelling.
Dan Ng25-Feb-2007 05:58
Wonderful image...preservation of the autumn. V.
Dennis Hoyne25-Feb-2007 04:26
Nice catch, and great colors.
Char25-Feb-2007 03:18
A fabulous capture and a terrific abstratct with great colors! \/
Debbie B.25-Feb-2007 03:15
I like this Greg.
Guest 25-Feb-2007 02:30
Outstanding! V
Mike Stobbs25-Feb-2007 02:26
Mike Stobbs25-Feb-2007 02:26
Excellent capture Greg..well seen....Mike
Mindy McNaugher25-Feb-2007 01:12
Fabulous shot!! Vote!
Sue Roberts24-Feb-2007 23:55
Joanne Kamo24-Feb-2007 23:15
Beautiful textures and composition. V
Gayle P. Clement24-Feb-2007 22:36
Terrific. It has a frozen-in-time feel to it.
Pathfinder24-Feb-2007 22:19
Makes a nice abstract image
Guest 24-Feb-2007 21:48
beautiful colors.
Guest 24-Feb-2007 21:25
Beautiful, colourful abstract, GMV!
s_barbour24-Feb-2007 21:17
Fantastic find Greg! Natures beauty preserved in ice, well done! vote
Jola Dziubinska24-Feb-2007 20:41
Beautiful image, painting like.
Guest 24-Feb-2007 20:35
Magnificent!! vote
Guest 24-Feb-2007 20:23
Wow, what a sight..excellent shot..v