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Greg Harp | all galleries >> Galleries >> Most Viewed Images > Juniper ~ September 23 [19]
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23-SEP-2006 Greg Harp

Juniper ~ September 23 [19]

New London, Minnesota

Many thanks to those who helped me identify this as a Juniper. :)

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dan Ng16-Dec-2006 07:10
Beautiful job, Greg. V.
Roe..27-Sep-2006 23:41
this is soooo beautiful..perfect exposure...v
Guest 27-Sep-2006 15:17
Great shot, love the blue seeds mix whit the green leaf and the back ground.
Buz Kiefer26-Sep-2006 10:49
Excellent detail and colors. Vote.
shatterbug26-Sep-2006 06:07
Great composition and colors! V.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik26-Sep-2006 01:48
Wonderful colors and composition! VOTE Sandy
Kathy Pedersen25-Sep-2006 21:35
This is deffinately Juniper:) Fantastic details and colors. Voted
Rich Westfall25-Sep-2006 20:20
Excellent composition and color on this one.
Bob Foisel25-Sep-2006 16:52
I vote Juniper, looks like all the ones I've seen. Nice image.
Guest 25-Sep-2006 14:13
W O W!!!! V.
Barb25-Sep-2006 13:13
Excellent shot.
s_barbour25-Sep-2006 12:48
Beautiful image Greg, really has a fall feeling to it. Very nice exposure and a wonderful DOF. V.
Guest 25-Sep-2006 12:26
I too will wade in on the juniper side. All of the yew berries I remember seeing were red and slimy. These look firmer and with no hollow end. Good photo btw.
Neal Nye25-Sep-2006 12:24
Amazing how a little drop of water balances on top of each one. Love the colors too. What a great shot.
QUERIDO25-Sep-2006 11:54
very nice shot,vote
Chris Thorpe25-Sep-2006 11:28
I'm thinking Juniper...outstanding detail and color.
laine8225-Sep-2006 08:32
Juniper ? I think the Yew is a red/pinkish berry that has a hollow end ???
A gorgeous image.
Bryan Murahashi25-Sep-2006 05:26
Very nice subject and shot.
Dennis Hoyne25-Sep-2006 03:49
Beauty shot, those are prime juniper berries.
Guest 25-Sep-2006 03:28
beautiful colors!
Guest 25-Sep-2006 03:05
You are asking the wrong guy here. I just like the color and detail.
Guest 25-Sep-2006 02:37
Nicely done.
carol j. phipps25-Sep-2006 02:11
Gorgeous light and color. V
Wei O'Connell25-Sep-2006 01:52
Great composition and beautiful colors. vote
Chris P.25-Sep-2006 01:48
Lovely shot. Color and details are brilliant.
Bryan Ramsay25-Sep-2006 01:23
Looks like juniper berries ready for making gin to me!! Great shot! -BJ
royalld25-Sep-2006 01:20
Great image. Well done.
Linda Willets25-Sep-2006 00:34
love the blue..
Guest 25-Sep-2006 00:10
I would say juniper... Excellent composition, nice bokeh.
Char24-Sep-2006 23:21
This is absolutely great Greg. GMV
Neil Horner24-Sep-2006 21:07
love the colours on this one Greg, great work.
Guest 24-Sep-2006 20:26
Let's make some gin..great shot, Greg. these berries are used to make gin!..v
Thierry Lucas24-Sep-2006 20:06
Very nice shot, Greg.
Mindy McNaugher24-Sep-2006 19:55
Beautiful close-up! Gorgeous colors, details and DoF! Vote!
Chris24-Sep-2006 19:30
Certainly not yew, those berries are red and soft. Whatever, a super hot. Chris
Rosi Blaurock24-Sep-2006 17:57
Great shot.
Dennis Barry24-Sep-2006 17:29
Love the colors, beautiful shot. Voted.
Peter Stahl24-Sep-2006 17:27
Nice composition and background brokeh. GMV.
Johnny JAG24-Sep-2006 17:20
Nice Juniper Berries.
Guest 24-Sep-2006 16:45
Excellent greens and blues.
Katie Chew24-Sep-2006 16:45
Great composition. V
De'Carr Studio24-Sep-2006 16:40
Superb capture..great comp and detail. Vote
caveman_lee24-Sep-2006 16:37
Very vivid and saturated color. Great sharpness and surreal DOF. An outstanding shot. Voted.
Jeanne Newman24-Sep-2006 16:34
A juniper I believe, as I think that yew berries are those squishy red ones. Regardless, this is a lovely image.