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franz | all galleries >> Galleries >> July Challenge-Beatles Song Titles > 28: "You're Going to Lose That Girl"
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28: "You're Going to Lose That Girl"

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Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
1/60s f/4.0 at 65.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska31-Jul-2010 00:23
This is very nice, well seen.
Guest 30-Jul-2010 19:38
Nice find franz! lovely retro image!! V
Mieke WA Minkjan28-Jul-2010 07:19
incroyable secret shot, by the looks of the framing!!! :) You are a dare devil.
In Melbourne they would have chased you out of the gallery. V
borisalex28-Jul-2010 06:37
Je croyez aussi! I´ll take a coke instead! BV. Maestro
Cindi Smith28-Jul-2010 00:44
A nice find, Franz....:)
Knox O27-Jul-2010 23:49
she's cool
Walter Otto Koenig27-Jul-2010 23:47
Du hast sie schon verloren, denn Sie ist zwei dimensional und Du nicht.
Laryl27-Jul-2010 18:41
she's ready to walk right out! good one
norbi27-Jul-2010 18:12
Drink Coke, then You'll never loose her. v. norbi
LynnH27-Jul-2010 17:43
This is a good one to find for the challenge! Very nice work!
Marielou Dhumez27-Jul-2010 16:50
Sinon, a very good photograph !
Marielou Dhumez27-Jul-2010 16:49
Bon, pour mon humble avis c'est pas une perte de perdre un engin pareil...!
Et manièrée et chichitteuse et dépensière et fausse blonde... Bref le truc à fuir si on est un mec !
Stephanie27-Jul-2010 14:21
Love the retro look of this Franz! ....and you don't know how right you are with the title!
debbieps27-Jul-2010 13:22
Very cool shot!
Kerry Tingley27-Jul-2010 12:56
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