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Hank Vander Velde | all galleries >> Galleries >> Recent_photos_2024 > 20130821 249 Cape May Warbler.jpg
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21-Aug-2013 Hank Vander Velde

20130821 249 Cape May Warbler.jpg

Ottawa West

File shots from past years entitled "BIRDS, Blooms and Berries"

Nikon D800 ,Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF
1/2000s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso560 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Allan Jay28-Feb-2024 19:23
Very creative!
Jean Chiasson28-Feb-2024 18:15
Beautifuk capture and light Hank
hayl28-Feb-2024 17:05
Terrific photo of the warbler and the plant too.
Tom Murray28-Feb-2024 15:37
That's a perfect shot of the warbler on the flowers!
Pierre Martin28-Feb-2024 11:48
superbly caught on that blooming flower!
waterfalls man28-Feb-2024 10:26
Beautiful Shot V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal28-Feb-2024 07:12
Prachtig in deze setting Hank.
Fong Lam28-Feb-2024 05:14
A beautiful sharp shot of this pretty warbler, Hank...V
joseantonio28-Feb-2024 04:24
lovely capture of two beauties in the same frame.
Bryan Murahashi28-Feb-2024 04:14
A beautiful capture, Hank.
Helen Betts28-Feb-2024 03:29
Fine shot of the warbler on a beautiful plant.
Tom Munson28-Feb-2024 03:12
Great capture, Hank.
larose forest photos28-Feb-2024 03:09
not only a great photo, hank, but very interesting to see the warbler on the mullein plant.
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