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Hank Vander Velde | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photos, 2013 > 20131112 033 SERIES - White-tailed Deer.jpg
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12-NOV-2013 Hank v/d Velde

20131112 033 SERIES - White-tailed Deer.jpg

Ottawa West

Two images of a third Buck seen on this date. We found this Buck laying down in the thick bush, near the edge of a swamp. A smallish Doe was grazing at the edge of the swamp. Suddenly the "BOSS" Buck came along and chased off this interloper. This buck is a nine or ten pointer, but is a bit smaller that the "BOSS"

Top Image: The Buck looking back, keeping an eye on the bigger Buck.

A closeup of this Buck. Note that the end of its right rack is broken. Possibly from a fight with an other Buck, perhaps the BOSS. There was no evidence of inflicted wounds on any of the three Bucks seen, however. Therefor, it may just have gotten tangled in the dense bush or perhaps it ran into a big branch or a tree during a chase.

Nikon D800 ,AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II
1/640s f/6.3 at 165.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Hennie & Lies Lammers26-Nov-2013 16:00
Terrific images, Hank
LynnH24-Nov-2013 22:40
Nice catch of him in amongst the trees! V
Cynthia (Cindy) Sutcliffe24-Nov-2013 20:34
Fabulous close up. Great detail.
Marjan Schavemaker23-Nov-2013 19:02
Great series, as always, Hank! I like your presentation! V
Colin Storey23-Nov-2013 18:58
Two great images Hank.
hayl23-Nov-2013 17:52
Great series on this & other pages showing the different sized bucks.
bill friedlander23-Nov-2013 16:19
Excellent images, Hank, must have been a job getting into that tangle. V
Stephanie23-Nov-2013 14:40
He's a real beauty Hank! Amazing details! :)
jychamberland23-Nov-2013 14:27
another nice serie Hank!
francoisconstantin23-Nov-2013 13:59
Nice portrait!!
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal23-Nov-2013 10:09
Tussen al die takken door nog zo mooi er op, prachtig!!
Bryan Murahashi23-Nov-2013 05:21
Fabulous pictures of them in the thick brush.
joseantonio23-Nov-2013 05:08
Excellent details in this closeup. Thank you for showing
Guest 23-Nov-2013 04:00
Beautiful images & interesting story!
Tom Munson23-Nov-2013 03:51
Terrific images, Hank. I wonder if that a fresh break on the antler.
larose forest photos23-Nov-2013 02:54
Fantastic series you are doing here with these recent images. Such gorgeous creatures these bucks.
Jean D23-Nov-2013 02:44
Excellent close up of this handsome buck, Hank. Well captured.
Jim Coffman23-Nov-2013 00:47
Two well captured images,Hank!
Range View 23-Nov-2013 00:41
Splendid close up Hank, nice shot.
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