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Jeff Hamstra | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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lisaduga29-Apr-2014 11:53

i hope you are in atmosphere of peace and love.It was very great to me when i found your profile in my searching for a responsible Friend in life , here is my email address which you can contact and write me with( for my pictures
Beverly Jones 01-May-2008 15:22
Jeff, some of these photos brought back alot of memories. They are wonderful and as always you did a fantastic job.
Sharon Kim 03-Nov-2006 19:08
Hi, is a commercial subscription site that provides educational materials to students. We were wondering if we could use some of your lovely photos in our World Gallery, a section of the site that offers glimpses of countries around the world. Please use this free temporary guest pass to look at the site ( the ID is "guest," the password is "access."

We would love to use your photos of Fiji in our World Gallery. If we may, can we have your full name (or the photographer's name) for the photography credit?

We might also want to use these photos in a music-backed slideshow. Can we create derivative works from them?

Of course, we will not take any action until we hear from you. Thank you for considering this request.


Sharon Kim
Editorial Staff
Brad Deam 31-Jul-2006 18:53
Unbelievable! Perhaps you should have been a travel photographer! (Maybe in retirement?)
Carrie Hamstra 24-Jun-2005 22:21
Some of those don't look like they could be real! Your amazing! Love you Daddy
Russ Floyd 17-Jun-2005 11:42
I am just now starting to look through the pictures from China. Beautiful. For the first time in my life, I think that I would like to go there. Good job Jeff.