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Joao Luis | profile | all galleries >> Table top games >> Warhammer 40k >> Comparison of model scales - Warhammer 40k vs others >> 40k vs other games tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

40k vs other games

This section contains comparisons of w40k with models of other games, or with conversion bits
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Leman Russ vs Old Crow Trojan APC
Leman Russ vs Old Crow Trojan APC
AT-43 foot
AT-43 foot
AT-43 armor
AT-43 armor
1:144 scale Tieren, from Gundam vs Dreadnought and Marine
1:144 scale Tieren, from Gundam vs Dreadnought and Marine
Various infantry
Various infantry
Robogear T-rex vs Sentinel
Robogear T-rex vs Sentinel
Bitsbox flak cannon platform
Bitsbox flak cannon platform
M41-A pulse rifle from the movie Aliens, on converted guardsman. Gun is made by Hasselfree (**)
M41-A pulse rifle from the movie "Aliens", on converted guardsman. Gun is made by Hasselfree (**)
Hasselfree weapons vs a bolter and lasgun: M41-A pulse rifle from Aliens, CAD gun, P-90 (*)
Hasselfree weapons vs a bolter and lasgun: M41-A pulse rifle from "Aliens", CAD gun, P-90 (*)
Chimera vs AT-43 APC (**)
Chimera vs AT-43 APC (**)
Chimera vs AT-43 APC (**)
Chimera vs AT-43 APC (**)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
AT-43, by Ratman_tf (RPGNET)
Dust Tactics Light Panzer Walker (*)
Dust Tactics Light Panzer Walker (*)
Dust Tactics Light Panzer Walker (*)
Dust Tactics Light Panzer Walker (*)
Dust Tactics Light Panzer Walker (*)
Dust Tactics Light Panzer Walker (*)
Secret Weapons turret on Chimera (*)
Secret Weapons turret on Chimera (*)
Mantic Corporation troops vs guardsman, by SebbyTheFreak (Boot Camp)
Mantic Corporation troops vs guardsman, by SebbyTheFreak (Boot Camp)
Maxmini heads, by Anarnaxe (Boot Camp)
Maxmini heads, by Anarnaxe (Boot Camp)
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