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Joao Luis's Recent Galleries

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03-Mar-2013 17:06
Task Force Lusitania
:: Task Force Lusitania ::
03-Mar-2013 16:41
AAA conversion 2
:: AAA conversion 2 ::
03-Mar-2013 16:41
Heavy Armour
:: Heavy Armour ::
29-Jan-2013 16:23
Ar 234 into Vendetta
:: Ar 234 into Vendetta ::
27-Jan-2013 16:28
Imperial Guard Bomber conversion
:: Imperial Guard Bomber conversion ::
26-Nov-2012 10:04
Korvos 40k 2012
:: Korvos 40k 2012 ::
13-Jul-2012 13:22
Fleet Air Arm museum
:: Fleet Air Arm museum ::
19-May-2012 14:58
AAA conversion 1
:: AAA conversion 1 ::
25-Mar-2012 15:53
Imperial Guard - Armour of the Phoenix Legion
:: Imperial Guard - Armour of the Phoenix Legion ::
07-Mar-2012 18:40
Leman Russ Kangaroo APC/ IFV
:: Leman Russ Kangaroo APC/ IFV ::
29-Jan-2012 16:48
Transports & Support
:: Transports & Support ::
10-Dec-2011 21:06
1º Torneio / First tournement
:: 1º Torneio / First tournement ::