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hamery | all galleries >> Galleries >> Chinese Temple > DSCF6334.jpg
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FujiFilm X-T1
1/400s f/5.6 at 56.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Allan Jay05-Mar-2015 17:52
Another gem to add to this wonderful collection! V
laine05-Mar-2015 17:34
What character this bronze has...those beautiful hands. V
bill friedlander05-Mar-2015 16:36
Great POV, I like the position of hands and head. V
Yvonne05-Mar-2015 10:18
Superb close-up! v
Kim05-Mar-2015 09:43
WOW fantastic image Hamery! Well done! V
danad05-Mar-2015 08:31
A beautiful capture of this Buddha. V.
Helen Betts05-Mar-2015 07:34
Very effective perspective, and a powerful capture. V.
Jim Coffman05-Mar-2015 03:52
A superb composition! Great image!
Allan Jay05-Mar-2015 03:26
Excellent. Striking capture. *V*
Raymond05-Mar-2015 02:45
I love your POV, nice shot
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