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hamery | all galleries >> Galleries >> Night Moves & Day Breaks > DSCF4502x.jpg
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FujiFilm X-T1
0.7s f/16.0 at 56.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Ika Zinka Eferl15-Jan-2015 07:47
Very nice compo and light!V
Yiannis Pavlis10-Jan-2015 03:30
This is beautiful ,nature is the best artist ,well seen and composed.
cmarsh01-Jan-2015 21:52
Wow! incredible capture of marvelous light. V
bill friedlander31-Dec-2014 20:19
Love the light in this shot! Excellent exposure! V
Irene Wehrli31-Dec-2014 19:36
Great lines and nice color Hamery - Happy New Year to you and yours too!
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