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Yorkshire Jurassic

Lower and Middle Jurassic strata at Whitby Phylloceras heterophyllum, 22 cm, Upper Lias, Lower Jurassic. Saltwick Bay near Whitby, North Yorkshire. Harpoceras falcifer, 115 mm. Upper Lias, Bituminous shale, L Jurassic. Sandsend Whitby, N,Yorks, England.  Dactylioceras tenuicostatum, 9.5 cm, Upper Lias, Grey shales, Whitby
Grammoceras thouarsense, specimen with 14 ammonites ranging from 60 to 15 mm. Upper Lias, Striatulam Shales. Ravenscar, N Yorks. Androgynoceras maculatum, 55 mm excellent ammonite with brachiopod and bivalves. Lower Lias. Robin Hoods Bay, North Yorkshire Cardioceras sp. 3 cm and 2 cm individuals. Kelloway Rock, Oxford Clay Formation, Upper Jurassic. Scarborough, N Yorkshire, UK. Coleoid gladius, cf Loligosepia aalensis (See Doyle 1990) in concretion. Upper Lias, falcifer zone
Cenoceras astacoides, 20 cm across, from the Upper Lias of Saltwick Bay Pentacrinites dichotomus, 15 cm specimen. Upper Lias Bituminous shales, L Jurassic, Whitby, N Yorkshire. Whitby crinoid detail The ophiuroid Palaeocoma milleri compared to illustration in Phillips (1829)
Very large sauropod dinosaur print, 38 cm across, Scalby Formation, Middle Jurassic, Burniston Bay, Yorkshire Large megalosaurus footprint (cf Megalosauripus ichsp), 38 cm long, Hawsker Bottoms Matonia braunii (Goeppert) Harris with Victorian label stating Pecopteris multicaulis Bean, Oolitic Shale, Gristhorpe Bay, Yorks Seed fern Pachypteris papillosa, 57 mm long. Aalenian, Roseberry Topping, North Yorkshire.
Seed or fructification, 1 cm from Pachypteris-rich beds of the Aalenian, Roseberry Topping, North Yorkshire. A spectacular 12 cm piece of Araucaria wood preserved as jet, Jet Shale, Upper Lias, Lower Jurassic, near Whitby, Yorkshire. Zamites gigas, 30 cm bennetitale frond. Saltwick Formation, Middle Jurassic (Aalenian). Saltwick, Whitby, Yorkshire. Ferns, Coniopteris hymenophylloides, from the Middle Jurassic Aalenian at Whitby
Jurassic plants from the Yorkshire coast illustrated in Phillips (1829) Equisitum-2.jpg Ginkgo huttonii (Sternberg) Heer. Scalby Ness, near Scarborough, Yorkshire. Lower Long Nab Member, Scalby Formation, Bathonian, Sphenobaiera pecten, with Araucarites phillipsii, Saltwick Formation, Aalenian, Middle Jurassic, Hayburn Wyke, North Yorkshire.
Ixostrobus whitbiensis Harris (Saltwick Fm) Jurassic plants from the Yorkshire coast illustrated in Phillips (1829) Jurassic plants from the Yorkshire coast illustrated in Phillips (1829) Aegasteroceras sp, 9 cm, Frodingham Ironstone, Lower Lias, Lower Jurassic, Conesby Quarry, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, Emgland