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Labels, Literature and Localities

Northern England Mineral Localities
Northern England Mineral Localities
Hutchinson's (1794) table including the Great Limestone.
Hutchinson's (1794) table including the Great Limestone.
Hutchinson (1794) Weardale coal measures section, in The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, Volume 3.
Hutchinson (1794) Weardale coal measures section, in The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, Volume 3.
Hutchinson (1794) coal measures faults
Hutchinson (1794) coal measures faults
George Dixon of Cockfield, in Hutchinson (1794) coal measures dyke
George Dixon of Cockfield, in Hutchinson (1794) coal measures dyke
Walton section (ca 1796)
Walton section (ca 1796)
Walton (ca 1796) Great Limestone cyclothem
Walton (ca 1796) Great Limestone cyclothem
A portion of WestgarthForster's strata (1809) showing Whin Sill.
A portion of WestgarthForster's strata (1809) showing Whin Sill.
Advertisement in Forster (1821)
Advertisement in Forster (1821)
Stank calcite label 2.jpg
Stank calcite label 2.jpg
A Victorian German label explaining the crystallography of calcite crystals from Stank Mine, Lancashire.
A Victorian German label explaining the crystallography of calcite crystals from Stank Mine, Lancashire.
R.W. Barstow label
R.W. Barstow label
Old German label for a calcite crystal from Egermont
Old German label for a calcite crystal from "Egermont"
Graves advertisement
Graves advertisement
Baryte Trechman label from an old BMNH specimen.
Baryte Trechman label from an old BMNH specimen.
Sowerby's illustration of chiastolite discovered at the summit of Skiddaw in 1804.
Sowerby's illustration of chiastolite discovered at the summit of Skiddaw in 1804.
Hausmannite label, Wilhelm Maucher, 1904-1909
Hausmannite label, Wilhelm Maucher, 1904-1909
Wilhelm Maucher, post September 1909
Wilhelm Maucher, post September 1909
Label with a W.F. Davidson specimen of fluorite from the Rotherhope Fell Mine, Cumbria, UK.
Label with a W.F. Davidson specimen of fluorite from the Rotherhope Fell Mine, Cumbria, UK.
Barytocalcite with Arthur Russell 1932 label.
Barytocalcite with Arthur Russell 1932 label.
Sir Arthur Russell label for a Wheal Gorland clinoclase specimen
Sir Arthur Russell label for a Wheal Gorland clinoclase specimen
Scott Williams label
Scott Williams label
Lindsay Greenbank label
Lindsay Greenbank label
Lindsay Greenbank label
Lindsay Greenbank label
Ru Smith label
Ru Smith label
Sulphuret of lead
"Sulphuret of lead"
German asbolane purchased by Isaac Walker (1794-1853) in the 1808 London sale of Jacob Forster's collection
German asbolane purchased by Isaac Walker (1794-1853) in the 1808 London sale of Jacob Forster's collection
Russian vesuvianite purchased by Isaac Walker (1794-1853) in 1830 from an unidentified individual whose name began with B
Russian vesuvianite purchased by Isaac Walker (1794-1853) in 1830 from an unidentified individual whose name began with B
Siberian sodalite sold by John Henry Heuland (1778-1856) to Isaac Walker (1794-1853), 11-15 May 1835
Siberian sodalite sold by John Henry Heuland (1778-1856) to Isaac Walker (1794-1853), 11-15 May 1835