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Silicified Faunas

Silicification of the bioclasts in some limestones provides the opportunity to dissolve the surrounding limestone to expose delicately preserved details of the fossils.
Two well known examples, illustrated here below, are the Upper Permian of the Glass Mountains in West Texas and the Middle Jurassic of the Sundgau in the southern Alsace region of France.
Acid-prepared Spiroceras Orbigny. Upper Bajocian, Rhône, France. Silicified brachiopod with preserved spiralia, Bathonian, Indre, France 8 cm acid-prepared specimen, Lower Oxfordian, Middle Jurassic, Rhône, Sundgau, France.
8 cm acid-prepared specimen, Lower Oxfordian, Middle Jurassic, Rhône, Sundgau, France. 8 cm acid-prepared specimen, Lower Oxfordian, Middle Jurassic, Rhône, Sundgau, France. Permian reef fauna from the Glass Mountains
Prorichthofenia permiana, Glass Mountains Brachiopod spat, Glass Mountains Bryozoans and corals from the Vidrio Formation, Glass Mountains, West Texas.
Glass Mountains sponge framework, Vidrio Formation. A large silicified cephalopod from the Vidrio Formation, Glass Mountains Standing on the high point of the Glass Mountains, looking out across the Delaware Basin