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Pulau Tengah

Tengah coral sands
Tengah coral sands
Tengah west reef
Tengah west reef
Tengah red sand beach
Tengah red sand beach
Tengah east coast
Tengah east coast
Tridacna clam, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Tridacna clam, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Pink necked green pigeon
Pink necked green pigeon
Tengah kingfisher
Tengah kingfisher
Tengah crab
Tengah crab
Sunset sandbar
Sunset sandbar
Cushion star, Culcita novaeguineae, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Cushion star, Culcita novaeguineae, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
 Corals, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Corals, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Tridacna clam, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Tridacna clam, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Tridacna clam, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Tridacna clam, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Tridacna clam, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Tridacna clam, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Longfin grouper, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Longfin grouper, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Longfin grouper, North Reef lagoon, Pulau Tangah
Longfin grouper, North Reef lagoon, Pulau Tangah
North Reef, Pulau Tangahwest reef
North Reef, Pulau Tangahwest reef
Ocellaris clownfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Ocellaris clownfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Ocellaris clownfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Ocellaris clownfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Very dark Ocellaris clownfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Very dark Ocellaris clownfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Beaked coralfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Beaked coralfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Beaked coralfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Beaked coralfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
White-eyed morey keeping an eye on me, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
White-eyed morey keeping an eye on me, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Bohol nudibranch, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Bohol nudibranch, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Tengah ray, jetty
Tengah ray, jetty
IndoPacific sergeants, jetty
IndoPacific sergeants, jetty
Diamondscale mullet, jetty
Diamondscale mullet, jetty
Needlefish, jetty
Needlefish, jetty
Tengah blacktip reef shark
Tengah blacktip reef shark
Tengah blacktip reef shark
Tengah blacktip reef shark
Anchor tuskfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Anchor tuskfish, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Black-tipped reef shark, jetty
Black-tipped reef shark, jetty
Black-tipped reef shark, jetty
Black-tipped reef shark, jetty
Bluespot ray, northern reef
Bluespot ray, northern reef
Cuttlefish, Junior Reef
Cuttlefish, Junior Reef
Cuttlefish, Junior Reef
Cuttlefish, Junior Reef
Scribble faced parrotfish school, Northern reef
Scribble faced parrotfish school, Northern reef
Sarcophyton soft coral, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Sarcophyton soft coral, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Coral polyps, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Coral polyps, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
polyps of Sarcophyton soft coral, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
polyps of Sarcophyton soft coral, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
polyps , North Reef, Pulau Tangah
polyps , North Reef, Pulau Tangah
inky anemone, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
inky anemone, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Magnificent anemone, North Reef, Pulau Tangah
Magnificent anemone, North Reef, Pulau Tangah