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Volcanoes, petroglyphs, sharks and other marine life.
Hanauma Bay from above
Hanauma Bay from above
Hanauma Bay from the ground
Hanauma Bay from the ground
Threadfin butterflyfish, Hanauma Bay
Threadfin butterflyfish, Hanauma Bay
Parrotfish, Hanauma Bay
Parrotfish, Hanauma Bay
Hawkfish, Hanauma Bay
Hawkfish, Hanauma Bay
Whitespotted surgeonfish, Hanauma Bay
Whitespotted surgeonfish, Hanauma Bay
Coral and juvenile dascyllus, Waikiki
Coral and juvenile dascyllus, Waikiki
Crab and ulae, Waikiki
Crab and ulae, Waikiki
Flying Gurnard, Waikiki
Flying Gurnard, Waikiki
Canthigaster amboinensis.jpg
Canthigaster amboinensis.jpg
Moorish Idol and Boxfish, Waikiki
Moorish Idol and Boxfish, Waikiki
Trevally, Waikiki
Trevally, Waikiki
Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Cristina and the Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Cristina and the Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Galapagos shark, off North Shore
Kokohead petroglyphs
Kokohead petroglyphs
Kokohead petroglyphs
Kokohead petroglyphs