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Morganucodon watsoni triconodont tooth, Late Triassic, Glamorgan, Wales DSC09858-2.jpg DSC09859-2.jpg DSC09863-2.jpg
Haplomylus sp., hyopsodontid, 3 teeth in 18 mm lower jaw, Willwood Formation, Wasatchian, Lower Eocene, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming Hyopsodus sp, 4 excellent teeth in 18 mm lower jaw, Lower Eocene 'tube-sheep', early ungulate, basal to the Perissodactyla Diacodexis, earliest known even-toed ungulate, 2 excellent teeth in 14 mm jaw segment, Willwood Formation, Lower Eocene, Wyoming Hyracotherium, 5 cm lower jaw with four teeth, Wildwood Formation, Lower Eocene, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
Hyracotherium sp.,  Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming Homogalax, excellent 16 mm molar in 42 mm jaw segment, Willwood Formation, Wasatchian, Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming Homogalax, excellent 10 mm molar in 64 mm jaw segment, Willwood Formation, Wasatchian, Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming Homogalax sp, maxillary,  Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
Cantius sp.,  Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming Cantius sp.,  Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming Cantius sp.,  Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming Cantius sp.,  Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
Cantius, basal primate jaw (25 mm) showing four teeth, Early Eocene, Wildwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming Right maxilla of Cantius sp. with four teeth (P4 to M3), Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming Tetonius sp., partial lower jaw with two teeth (m1 and m2 I think), Lower Eocene, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming Mammal hair and moth in 29x21x9mm Baltic amber from Lithuania, length of moth body and head with wings ~ 6mm.
Basilosaurus, Upper Eocene, Morocco Palaeolagus haydeni, 43 mm skull, Oligocene, Brule Formation, Pennington County, South Dakota Associated pair of left and right lower molars of Gomphotherium angustidens, Middle Miocene, Gračanica, Bosnia–Herzegovina Mammuthus primigenius, 30 cm, Lena River, Siberia. Subadult showing worn p4 and m1.
Woolly rhinoceros, Oxfordshire Mouse skull, 2 cm