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Jan Gordon On Art

Jan Gordon wrote or contributed to six books on art, from the introduction to the Bernard Meninsky book (1920); the much-reprinted "Modern French Painters" (1923); the catalogue introduction to the Preston Harrison collection (1929); the whimsical "Some Craftie Arts" (1930); the practical "A Step-ladder to Painting" (1934); and the very light "Art Ain't All Paint" (1944). There was, in addition, the 1938 Elementary Introduction to the Ostwald Colour System: (although this one was omitted from the list of books at his memorial exhibition).

Very exciting to discover is the wealth of personal connections between the Gordons and many of the artists discussed in "Modern French Painters." A series of revelations about these connections is presented here: . They include de Max, Carco, Cocteau, Laurencin, Boccioni, Wallin, Maria Rilke, Vanderpyl (also known as "Ratapouf") and Myron Nutting, none of these having been recognised before now. There were also Spencer Gore, Walter Sickert, Christian Krohg and the Steichens. See various articles here:

I have written elsewhere on all of Jan Gordon's art-related books, and a number of articles can be found by following these links:

- Commentary on Dutch cartoonist Raemaeker (1916):

- Commentary on John Singer Sargent's "Gassed" (1919):

- Commentary on sculpture by Epstein (1920):

- Jan Gordon and Bernard Meninsky (1920):

- Jan Gordon's "Small Coast Town" In "Colour" Magazine (1920):

- "A fierce battle of words" after a 1920 talk on modern art:

- "Modern French Painters" and Doris and Ashley Smith (1923):
- A copy of "Modern French Painters" from the library of Steven Spurrier:
- Jan Gordon on Picasso (1923):

- "Catalogue of the Preston Harrison Collection at the Los Angeles Museum of Art" (1929):

- "Some Craftie Arts" (1930): ;

- "Art Ain't All Paint" (1944):

- Jan Gordon, "Some Sketching Tips" (1934):

- "A Step-ladder to Painting" (1934):

- Cora J Gordon, sketching in Hyde Park (1934):

- Capturing emotion in painting (1934):

- "Painting for Beginners" and the connection with Marion Milner:

- Jan Gordon (1939), Arts in Wartime:
Jan's ruminations on artists, writers and life. From Mother and Child .... Mother and Child 2.jpg
First published 1923. This is the 1936 revised edition. Marie Laurencin painting reproduced by Jan Gordon in Modern French Painters. The dedication to Modern French Painters. The hospitable roof was Mesylls (see The Gordons in England).
Preston Harrison Modern French Art, Jan Gordon (1929). Published in 1930 (my least favorite of their books) A Step-ladder to Painting (1934)
Teaching drawing by Jan Gordon in A Step-ladder to Painting. Detail from a ca 1910 water painting by Jan Gordon, showing the emerging group of workers, later developed as a teaching topic. From Art Ain't All Paint, published 1944.
The Ostwald Colour system, An Elementary Introduction (1938, Reeves & Sons) The achromatic scale and the 8 hues and 24 colour circle The Ostwald Colour system, An Elementary Introduction Isotint, isotone and isovalent circles in The Ostwald Colour system, An Elementary Introduction