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Hajar | all galleries >> Art of Jan and Cora Gordon >> Jan and Cora Gordon Books >> Jan Gordon Novels > A novel published in 1930. The story is about George the wandering flautist and young Nellie Ems.
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A novel published in 1930. The story is about George the wandering flautist and young Nellie Ems.

Eirene Fearon (Millar) turned "Piping George" into a play and offered it to an agent.

The Gordons made the following extract from a response about the offered play:

I herewith return your 'play' ...
I think the less said about it the better. Surely the fire would be the best place to put it.
I cannot understand the mentality that could consider anything so vulgar and so sordid ...
The person who wrote Piping George would be better employed sweeping the streets.
Yours truly,

- as told in The London Roundabout.

The play was, however, broadcast on Midland Regional at 8.30 pm, performed by the Coventry Repertory Company.

Jan Gordon published a precursor short story, "Haunted Houses," in The Strand 1920:

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