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Early Ordovician Fauna of Morocco

This is a selection of specimens from the Early Ordovician (ca 488–472million years ago) Fezouata Biota of southeastern Morocco.

The fossils are preserved in iron oxyhydroxides after early diagenetic pyrite and tiny limonitized framboids are scattered in the mudstone. Some elements of the fauna are comparable with that of the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale (sponges, marellomorphs, anomalocaridids), whereas others (starfish, horseshoe crabs, graptolites) are new.

I put this group together in late 2007 and early 2008, starting with the beautiful xiphosuran, which was the first example of this form I had come across (and still, 13 years later, the best individual example I have seen).
Pirania auraeum, a complete 14 mm non-lithistid demosponge 2cm sponge Pirania auraeum, a complete 13 mm non-lithistid demosponge A very large Fezouata sponge Complete Palaeoscolex cf tenensis, 55 mm long
Somasteroid indet (possibly related to Chinianaster), 2 cm Fezouata asteroid.jpg Cornute stylophoran, 2 cm in Ubagh's position Cornute stylophoran, 2 cm in Ubagh's position Cornute stylophoran (possibly Thoralicystis), 2 cm
Rhopalocystis destombesi , 5 cm crown of an eocrinoid Rhopalocystis destombesi , 5 cm crown of an eocrinoid Tremaglaspis sp., 10 cm, Xiphosurid, 45 mm Xiphosurid, 45 mm
Drawing of the Moroccan xiphosurid made in January 2008. Setapedites abundantis, a 6 mm synziphosuran Setapedites abundantis, 8 mm long, Lower Ordovician, Morocco. This one shows the limbs extending beyond the prosoma Setapedites abundantis, 6 mm long, Lower Ordovician, Morocco Anacheirurus sp., 32 mm long, with antennae, from the Fezouata of Morocco. Early pyrite has oxidised to colourful ochres.
Bavarilla sp Bavarilla sp Bavarilla with antennae, 8 mm Trilo1_LR.jpg Trilo2LR.jpg
Trilo3LR.jpg Fezouata mareelamorph, Enosiaspis hrungnir, 10 mm Fezouata marrellomorph (short spine form), 25 mm Fezouata marellomorph (long spine form) Eocrinoid, possibly related to rhipidocystids, individuals are 5 to 8 mm long
Fezouata Pelecyogyra fezouataensis Fezouata hyolith with helens, 17 mm. See Moysiukbet al. (2017), Nature. Fezouata graptolite Araneograptus slab Araneograptus nematularium