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Bukit Tinggi

Sunday 5th July 2020
Mountain peacock pheasant
Mountain peacock pheasant
Ochraceous bulbul
Ochraceous bulbul
Himalayan striped squirrel
Himalayan striped squirrel
spectacled spiderhunter
spectacled spiderhunter
Streaked spiderhunter
Streaked spiderhunter
long tailed sibia and grey breasted spiderhunter
long tailed sibia and grey breasted spiderhunter
Blue winged leafbird
Blue winged leafbird
Blue-eared barbet
Blue-eared barbet
Red-throated barbet
Red-throated barbet
Yellow-crowned barbet
Yellow-crowned barbet
sooty barbet
sooty barbet
Fire-breasted flowerpecker
Fire-breasted flowerpecker