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Odin and ravens (Huginn and Muninn), gilt silver pendant, 22 mm, ca 10th C, northern Belarus. Zoomorphic pendant (Novgorod horse), 11th century, Kievan Rus. Viking Age bronze pendant of a stylized horse, 24 mm long, 10th-11th C, NW Russia
Viking Age zoomorphic pendant, 42 mm, with fine chased detail, Baltic. Probably a bird. Iron Age copper alloy robed figurine, 62 mm, reported to be from the Ladoga area Kievan Rus' amulet of a robed individual in the round, 35 mm. Dnieper, Ukraine.
Drawing of rare figural amulet in Sedov (1982) Gilt copper alloy eagle pendant, early Medieval-Medieval, Suffolk, UK. Figure with crossed arms and long dress appears on the reverse of this 10th C cross. Greek Gamma Omicron above.
Baltic pendant cross with crudely represented hands. Latvia. Viking silver Thor's hammer, Suffolk Borre style gripping beast pendant design explained