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Chrysoberyl Twins

A gemmy green 22 mm trilling twin from Minas Gerais, Brazil. This is a "floater", complete all round, with no contacts. The twin has a unique (in my experience) habit. One of the three component crystals, 22 mm long, is exposed on one side of the twin and symmetrically disposed on either side of that crystal are "rabbit ear" twins formed by the second and third component crystals. Whereas these appear as a pair of twins on one side of the trilling, viewed from the other side each appears as a single crystal.

Strange, intriguing and beautiful!

Two more conventional chrysoberyl twins from Brazil and another from Sri Lanka are shown at the end.
22 mm chrysoberyl twin, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Side view of trilling.
22 mm chrysoberyl twin, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Side view of trilling.
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Brazil chrysoberyl trilling explanation
Brazil chrysoberyl trilling explanation
22 mm chrysoberyl twin, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Side view of trilling.
22 mm chrysoberyl twin, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Side view of trilling.
Brazil Chrysoberyl trilling, 30 mm
Brazil Chrysoberyl trilling, 30 mm
Brazil Chrysoberyl trilling, 20 mm
Brazil Chrysoberyl trilling, 20 mm
Sri Lanka gem chrysoberyl twin, 10 mm.
Sri Lanka gem chrysoberyl twin, 10 mm.
Alexandrite, Carnaiba Mine, Brazil, 28 mm.
Alexandrite, Carnaiba Mine, Brazil, 28 mm.
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Burma chrysoberyl twin
Burma chrysoberyl twin
Burma chrysoberyl twin
Burma chrysoberyl twin