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Gene Zonis | profile | all galleries >> Feathers, Fur, and Other Creatures tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Feathers, Fur, and Other Creatures

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Blue Bird
Blue Bird
Cedar Wax Wing
Cedar Wax Wing
Cat Bird
Cat Bird
Duck Family.
Duck Family.
Wing Span
Wing Span
Downy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Blue Bird.
Blue Bird.
cedar wax wing
cedar wax wing
Cedar Wax Wing
Cedar Wax Wing
Eye on the Prize
Eye on the Prize
Egret Strut
Egret Strut
Egret in shallow water
Egret in shallow water
Out on a limb
Out on a limb
Walking on water
Walking on water
Egret catching fish
Egret catching fish
Cedar Wax Wing
Cedar Wax Wing
Bow to the Cardinal.
Bow to the Cardinal.
Osprey Couple
Osprey Couple
Egret 2
Egret 2
Ospreys in the distance
Ospreys in the distance
Cedar Wax Wing.
Cedar Wax Wing.
Painted Turtle
Painted Turtle
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