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Gary Rose | profile | all galleries >> DJI Phantom 4 Pro... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

DJI Phantom 4 Pro...

Photography by Gary W. Rose
ATP - My License To Fly...
ATP - My License To Fly...
Yuba River, High Water...
Yuba River, High Water...
Yuba River-2.jpg
Yuba River-2.jpg
Looking West...
Looking West...
Yuba River @ Parks Bar Bridge...
Yuba River @ Parks Bar Bridge...
Yuba River Looking West...
Yuba River Looking West...
Parks Bar Bridge, Hi-20
Parks Bar Bridge, Hi-20
After High Water...
After High Water...
High Water - Again...
High Water - Again...
River Almost Back To Normal...
River Almost Back To Normal...
The Yuba River, Ca.
The Yuba River, Ca.
Out Cutting Fire Wood...
Out Cutting Fire Wood...
Pano - Yuba River...
Pano - Yuba River...
Old Cabin Foundation..
Old Cabin Foundation..
Silica Resources...
Silica Resources...
Silica Resources...
Silica Resources...
Out Cutting Fire Wood...
Out Cutting Fire Wood...
Yuba Gold Fields... Virga
Yuba Gold Fields... Virga
Looking South West... Virga
Looking South West... Virga
Tonight's Sunset...
Tonight's Sunset...
The House...
The House...
The New Addition...
The New Addition...
Overhead Looking West
Overhead Looking West
Looking South West
Looking South West
Looking East, Up River...
Looking East, Up River...
The Yuba River...
The Yuba River...
End of Spring
End of Spring
Looking South West - Today...
Looking South West - Today...
Slow Flight Through Dandelions...
Slow Flight Through Dandelions...
Looking South West
Looking South West
Dear Family.jpg
Dear Family.jpg
Wild Turkeys.jpg
Wild Turkeys.jpg
Bee on Clover.jpg
Bee on Clover.jpg
Honey Bee.jpg
Honey Bee.jpg
Fire Today
Fire Today
99% Full Eclipse
99% Full Eclipse
Eclipse at 20%
Eclipse at 20%
100 yards from the house
100 yards from the house
100 yards from the house
100 yards from the house
100 yards from the house
100 yards from the house
100 yards from the house
100 yards from the house
100 yards from the house
100 yards from the house