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Camping with Skyler

Colman's new Stero.jpg
Colman's new Stero.jpg
Gary's camping chair
Gary's camping chair
Frog Lake-1
Frog Lake-1
Frog Lake -2
Frog Lake -2
Once more with Frog Lake
Once more with Frog Lake
Gas powered stero
Gas powered stero
Camp wide view
Camp wide view
Ah yesss the tent's up
Ah yesss the tent's up
This aint our junk. Some party last night.
This aint our junk. Some party last night.
Skyler with camp and Timothy like in background
Skyler with camp and Timothy like in background
The tent
The tent
I think he's bored
I think he's bored
Well I'm not.
Well I'm not.
I'll just sleep right here
I'll just sleep right here
Camping boxes
Camping boxes
I'll just make a sandwhich
I'll just make a sandwhich
Well maybe two.
Well maybe two.
Lots of butter
Lots of butter
Fire pit
Fire pit
We burned this all day.. It was COLD!!!
We burned this all day.. It was COLD!!!
Hot dog a sun-spot
Hot dog a sun-spot
What no Jello
What no Jello
Our Camp
Our Camp
PITA  and the marshmellow
PITA and the marshmellow
PITA ...short for pain in the ass)
PITA ...short for "pain in the ass)
PITA - all he did was eat. And get into things
PITA - all he did was eat. And get into things
PITA and friends
PITA and friends
PITA and Skyler
PITA and Skyler
PITA in the coffee cup
PITA in the coffee cup
PITA  getting fed..somemore
PITA getting fed..somemore
PITA  I can get a few more peanuts in my mouth
PITA I can get a few more peanuts in my mouth
PITA's Girlfriend --sweet kid
PITA's Girlfriend --sweet kid
Again eating
Again eating
Skyler took this pic of Frog Lake
Skyler took this pic of Frog Lake
Our camp
Our camp
Mt Hood
Mt Hood
Mt Hood another view.jpg
Mt Hood another view.jpg