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2014 Birds

Greater Prairie-Chicken
Greater Prairie-Chicken
Yellow-billed Loon
Yellow-billed Loon
Yellow-billed Loon
Yellow-billed Loon
Northern Goshawk
Northern Goshawk
Red-necked Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Glaucous Gull
Glaucous Gull
Mew Gull
Mew Gull
Barrow's Goldeneye
Barrow's Goldeneye
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Costa's Hummingbird
Costa's Hummingbird
Costa's Hummingbird
Costa's Hummingbird
Black Scoters
Black Scoters
White-winged Scoter
White-winged Scoter
White-winged Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Surf Scoter
Surf Scoter
Surf Scoter
Surf Scoter
Black Scoter
Black Scoter
Black Scoter
Black Scoter
Greater Scaup
Greater Scaup
Scaled Quail
Scaled Quail
Horned Lark
Horned Lark
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Magnificent Hummingbird
Magnificent Hummingbird
Magnificent Hummingbird
Magnificent Hummingbird
Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle
Juniper Titmouse
Juniper Titmouse
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane
Sage Thrasher
Sage Thrasher
Sage Thrasher
Sage Thrasher
Squailed Quail
Squailed Quail
Snow Goose
Snow Goose
Bewick's Wren
Bewick's Wren
Sprague's Pipit
Sprague's Pipit
Sprague's Pipit
Sprague's Pipit
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Sabine's Gull
Sabine's Gull
Forster's Tern
Forster's Tern
LeConte's Sparrow
LeConte's Sparrow
American Golden-Plover
American Golden-Plover
American Golden-Plover
American Golden-Plover
Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Caspian Tern
Caspian Tern
Sabine's Gull
Sabine's Gull
Prothonotary Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern
Long-tailed Jaeger
Long-tailed Jaeger
Long-tailed Jaeger
Long-tailed Jaeger
Baird's Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Grasshopper and Baird's Sparrows
Grasshopper and Baird's Sparrows
Baird's Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow
Eastern Towhee
Eastern Towhee
Vesper Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Short-billed Dowitchers, Stilt Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs
Short-billed Dowitchers, Stilt Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs
Short-billed Dowitchers, Stilt Sandpiper, Wilson's Phalarope, Lesser Yellowlegs
Short-billed Dowitchers, Stilt Sandpiper, Wilson's Phalarope, Lesser Yellowlegs
Short-billed Dowitchers, Red-necked Phalarope, Wilson's Phalarope
Short-billed Dowitchers, Red-necked Phalarope, Wilson's Phalarope
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Little Gull
Little Gull
Little Gull
Little Gull
Caspian, Forster's and Black Terns
Caspian, Forster's and Black Terns
Red Phalarope
Red Phalarope
Red Phalarope
Red Phalarope
Great-tailed Grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
Mississippi Kite
Mississippi Kite
Gunnison Sage-Grouse
Gunnison Sage-Grouse
Gunnison Sage-Grouse
Gunnison Sage-Grouse
Gunnison Sage-Grouse
Gunnison Sage-Grouse
Purple Martin
Purple Martin
Purple Martin
Purple Martin
Swainson's Hawk
Swainson's Hawk
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Band-tailed Pigeon
Band-tailed Pigeon
:: arizona_2014 ::
Hepatic Tanager
Hepatic Tanager
Hepatic Tanager
Hepatic Tanager
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Cooper's Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Painted Bunting
Painted Bunting
Painted Bunting
Painted Bunting
Kit Fox
Kit Fox
Common Gallinule
Common Gallinule
White-tailed Ptarmigan
White-tailed Ptarmigan
Tricolored Heron
Tricolored Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Red Crossbill
Red Crossbill
Scott's Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Pine Grosbeak
Pine Grosbeak
Lucy's Warbler
Lucy's Warbler
Lucy's Warbler
Lucy's Warbler
Lucy's Warbler
Lucy's Warbler
Leopard Lizard
Leopard Lizard
Grace's Warbler
Grace's Warbler
Grace's Warbler
Grace's Warbler
Gray Vireo
Gray Vireo
Gambel's Quail
Gambel's Quail
Collared Lizard
Collared Lizard
Collared Lizard
Collared Lizard
Black-throated Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Laughing Gull
Laughing Gull
Laughing Gull
Laughing Gull
Flammulated Owl
Flammulated Owl
White Ibis
White Ibis
White Ibis
White Ibis
Blue-winged Warbler
Blue-winged Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
American Redstart
American Redstart
Tennessee Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Palm Warbler
Palm Warbler
Palm Warbler
Palm Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Prairie Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Blue-headed Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Blackpoll Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Brewer's Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Lark Saprrow
Lark Saprrow
Gray Vireo
Gray Vireo
Gray Vireo
Gray Vireo
Worm-eating Warbler
Worm-eating Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Upland Sandpiper
Upland Sandpiper
Painted Redstart
Painted Redstart
Painted Redstart
Painted Redstart
:: florida_2014 ::
Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Savannah Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
McCown's Longspur
McCown's Longspur
McCown's Longspur
McCown's Longspur
Horned Lark
Horned Lark
Eastern Bluebird
Eastern Bluebird
Blue-winged Teal
Blue-winged Teal
Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle
Barn, Violet-Green and Cliff Swallow
Barn, Violet-Green and Cliff Swallow
Snowy Plover
Snowy Plover
Snowy Plover
Snowy Plover
Brown-headed Cowbird
Brown-headed Cowbird
Eastern Phoebe
Eastern Phoebe
Cassin's Sparrow
Cassin's Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Mountain Bluebird
Mountain Bluebird
:: lesser_prairie_chicken ::
:: dusky_grouse ::
:: sharp_tailed_grouse ::
:: greater_sage_grouse ::
:: greater_prairie-chicken ::
Red-naped Sapsucker
Red-naped Sapsucker
Sage Thrasher
Sage Thrasher
Savanah Sparrow
Savanah Sparrow
Scaled Quail
Scaled Quail
Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebe
Lewis's Woodpecker
Lewis's Woodpecker
Scaled Quail
Scaled Quail
Ruddy Duck
Ruddy Duck
Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane
Western Screech-Owl
Western Screech-Owl
Red Crossbill
Red Crossbill
Northern Pygmy-Owl
Northern Pygmy-Owl
Evening Grossbeak
Evening Grossbeak
Cassin's Finch
Cassin's Finch
Sandhill Crane
Sandhill Crane
Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon
Greater White-fronted Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
Hairy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
Western Screech-Owl
Western Screech-Owl
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Bewick's Wren
Bewick's Wren
Trumpeter Swans (incl. juvenile)
Trumpeter Swans (incl. juvenile)
Trumpeter (left) Boyd (right)
Trumpeter (left) Boyd (right)
Trumpeter Swans
Trumpeter Swans
Tundra Swan
Tundra Swan
Tundra Swan
Tundra Swan
Northern Harrier
Northern Harrier
Glaucous Gull
Glaucous Gull
Glaucous Gull X Herring Gull
Glaucous Gull X Herring Gull
Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull
Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull
Iceland Gull (putative)
Iceland Gull (putative)
Ruffed Grouse
Ruffed Grouse
Greater Scaup
Greater Scaup
Fox Sparrow (red, taiga)
Fox Sparrow (red, taiga)
Fox Sparrow (red, taiga)
Fox Sparrow (red, taiga)
American Woodcock
American Woodcock
American Woodcock
American Woodcock
American Woodcock
American Woodcock
Boyd Swan
Boyd Swan
Boyd Swan
Boyd Swan
Eastern Screech-Owl
Eastern Screech-Owl
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Long-eared Owl
Long-eared Owl
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird
Airbus A320
Airbus A320
Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Rough-legged Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Rock Pigeon
Rock Pigeon
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Barrow's Goldeneye
Barrow's Goldeneye
Rough-legged Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser
Wild Turkey
Wild Turkey
Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl
White-throated Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Winter Wren
Winter Wren
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Varied Thrush
Varied Thrush
Great Horned Owl
Great Horned Owl
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
American Wigeon
American Wigeon
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Pine Warbler
Pine Warbler
Pine Warbler
Pine Warbler
Mew Gull
Mew Gull
Winter Wren
Winter Wren
Swamp Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
American Three-toed Woodpecker
American Three-toed Woodpecker
American Three-toed Woodpecker
American Three-toed Woodpecker
Wild Turkey
Wild Turkey
Northern Goshawk
Northern Goshawk
Northern Goshawk
Northern Goshawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
White-winged Scoter
White-winged Scoter
White-winged Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Evening Grosbeak
Evening Grosbeak
Gray Jay
Gray Jay
Gray Jay
Gray Jay
Barrow's Goldeneye
Barrow's Goldeneye
Gary-bellied Brant
Gary-bellied Brant
Black Rosy-Finch
Black Rosy-Finch
Glaucous-winged Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull
Red Crossbill
Red Crossbill
Clark's Nutcracker
Clark's Nutcracker
Brown Creeper
Brown Creeper
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull (ostensible)
Slaty-backed Gull (ostensible)
Greater Scaup
Greater Scaup
Williamson's Sapsucker
Williamson's Sapsucker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
White-winged Dove
White-winged Dove
Chihuahuan Raven
Chihuahuan Raven
Juniper Titmouse
Juniper Titmouse
Pinyon Jay
Pinyon Jay
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk