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Guenter Eh | all galleries >> STREET PHOTOGRAPHY >> FLEETING MOMENTS III > Pole position...
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21-JUN-2011 Guenter Eh

Pole position...


other sizes: small medium large original auto
alfredo camba jr.02-Jul-2011 15:59
Very nice and interesting street photography V
Robyco30-Jun-2011 08:04
good POV and real streetlife !! (V)
veraferia28-Jun-2011 23:41
She embellishes Paris!:)
Michael Tauber27-Jun-2011 19:34
Very special street photography! Wonderful personal expression!!!
shatterbug24-Jun-2011 19:33
Superb the framing, and your b/w, and the differing expressions!
an nguyen24-Jun-2011 16:18
Only in Paris , no helmet , on bike going around and share the road with the car.
Well done .