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Guenter Eh | all galleries >> STREET PHOTOGRAPHY >> Berlin 2008-Moments with Friends > Harold ?....HAROLD ?....H A R O L D !!!!!!!!
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AUG-2008 Guenter Eh

Harold ?....HAROLD ?....H A R O L D !!!!!!!!


"Damn - he`s not around - but I need a peeeeeeeeeeee!"

2 hours later:

part of the gallery: Berlin_2008 – Moments with Friends

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 09-Sep-2008 16:17
Martha Albuquerque07-Sep-2008 23:52
olivier bruning06-Sep-2008 21:22
are you sure it's harold?!
Guest 06-Sep-2008 21:21
or maybe.......
Guest 06-Sep-2008 21:20
You forgot the pic...........easy to do ;-)