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>> Yellow-fronted Canary
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Common Ostrich
Somali Ostrich
Egyptian Goose
Spur-winged Goose
Helmeted Guineafowl
Vulturine Guineafowl
Scaly Francolin
Yellow-necked Francolin
Lesser Flamingo
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse
Black-faced Sandgrouse
Kori Bustard
White-bellied Bustard
Buff-crested Bustard
Black-bellied Bustard
Hartlaub's Bustard
Bare-faced Go-away-bird
White-bellied Go-away-bird
White-browed Coucal
Gray Crowned-Crane
Blacksmith Plover
Crowned Lapwing
Wattled Lapwing
Kittlitz's Plover
African Jacana
Double-banded Courser
Marabou Stork
Yellow-billed Stork
Great White Pelican
Black-headed Heron
Goliath Heron
Squacco Heron
Sacred Ibis
Hadada Ibis
African Spoonbill
White-backed Vulture
Martial Eagle
Long-crested Eagle
Tawny Eagle
Eastern Chanting-Goshawk
African Fish-Eagle
Augur Buzzard
Verreaux's Eagle-Owl
Speckled Mousebird
White-headed Mousebird
Blue-naped Mousebird
Eurasian Hoopoe
Southern Ground-Hornbill
Von der Decken's Hornbill
Northern Red-billed Hornbill
Gray-headed Kingfisher
Striped Kingfisher
Little Bee-eater
White-throated Bee-eater
Lilac-breasted Roller
D'Arnaud's Barbet
White-headed Barbet
Pygmy Falcon
Meyer's Parrot
African Black-headed Oriole
Brown-crowned Tchagra
Slate-colored Boubou
Rosy-patched Bushshrike
Fork-tailed Drongo
African Paradise-Flycatcher
White-rumped Shrike
Pied Crow
White-bellied Tit
Chestnut-headed Sparrow-Lark
Fischer's Sparrow-Lark
Pink-breasted Lark
Foxy Lark
Rufous-naped Lark
Red-capped Lark
Short-tailed Lark
Red-faced Crombec
Green-backed Camaroptera
Gray-capped Warbler
Singing Cisticola
Hunter's Cisticola
Rattling Cisticola
Pectoral-patch Cisticola
Angola Swallow
Wire-tailed Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow
Lesser Striped-Swallow
Black Sawwing
Common Bulbul
Rufous Chatterer
Northern Pied-Babbler
Red-billed Oxpecker
Yellow-billed Oxpecker
Wattled Starling
Hildebrandt's Starling
Rueppell's Glossy-Starling
Superb Starling
Fischer's Starling
Lesser Blue-eared Glossy-Starling
Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling
Abyssinian Thrush
Dusky-brown Flycatcher
Grayish Flycatcher
Ashy Flycatcher
Southern Black-Flycatcher
White-eyed Slaty-Flycatcher
Red-backed Scrub-Robin
Cape Robin-Chat
White-browed Robin-Chat or Rueppell's Robin-Chat
Spotted Morning-Thrush
Little Rock-Thrush
African Stonechat
Mocking Cliff-Chat
Sooty Chat
Northern Anteater-Chat
Scarlet-chested Sunbird
Bronze Sunbird
Golden-winged Sunbird
Eastern Double-collared Sunbird
Mariqua Sunbird
Black-bellied Sunbird
Variable Sunbird
White-headed Buffalo-Weaver
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver
Donaldson-Smith's Sparrow-Weaver
Gray-headed Social-Weaver
Baglafecht Weaver
Spectacled Weaver
Holub's Golden-Weaver
Speke's Weaver
Chestnut Weaver
Yellow-shouldered Widowbird
Red-rumped Waxbill
Quailfinch (Spectacled)
Purple Grenadier
Blue-capped Cordonbleu
Red-billed Firefinch
Kenya Rufous Sparrow
Northern Gray-headed Sparrow
Parrot-billed Sparrow
Swahili Sparrow
Chestnut Sparrow
Cape Wagtail
African Pied Wagtail
Buffy Pipit
Yellow-throated Longclaw
Rosy-throated Longclaw
Yellow-fronted Canary
African Citril
Reichenow's Seedeater
White-bellied Canary
Brimstone Canary
Cinnamon-breasted Bunting
Yellow-fronted Canary
Serinus mozambicus
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