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IUCN Red List: Endangered - change URL
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List: Endangered

IUCN Red List: Vulnerable - change URL
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List: Vulnerable

IUCN Red List: Near Threatened - change URL
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List: Near Threatened

BirdLife International: Critically Endangered - change URL
BirdLife International: Critically Endangered

BirdLife International: Endangered - change URL
BirdLife International: Endangered

BirdLife International: Vulnerable - change URL
BirdLife International: Vulnerable

BirdLife International: Near-Threatened - change URL
BirdLife International: Near-Threatened

Audubon/ABC WatchList: Red - change URLs
Audubon WatchList 2007: Red
American Bird Conservancy WatchList 2007: Red

Audubon/ABC WatchList: Yellow - change Audubon # if old format, URL if new format; change ABC URL
Audubon WatchList 2007: Yellow
American Bird Conservancy WatchList 2007: Yellow

Partners In Flight Watch List 1 - change URL
Partners In Flight Watch List: Species with Multiple Causes for Concern Across Their Entire Range

Partners In Flight Watch List 2 - change URL
Partners In Flight Watch List: Moderately Abundant or Widespread with Declines or High Threats

Partners In Flight Watch List 3 - change URL
Partners In Flight Watch List: Restricted Distribution or Low Population Size

US ESA: Endangered - change URL
U.S. Endangered Species Act: Endangered

US ESA: Threatened - change URL
U.S. Endangered Species Act: Threatened

US ESA: Candidate- change URL
U.S. Endangered Species Act: Candidate

CA ESA: Endangered
California Endangered Species Act: Endangered

CA ESA: Threatened
California Endangered Species Act: Threatened

CA ESA: Species of Special Concern
California Endangered Species Act: Species of Special Concern

Sigma 1.4X APO EX DG TC
Nikon TC-E3ED 3X TC
Kowa TSN-884, Kowa TSN-PZ photo adapter
Kowa TSN-884, 20-60x, Kowa TSN-DA10 adapter
Kowa TSN-824, 20-60x, Kowa TSN-DA1 adapter
Kowa TSN-824, 27x, Kowa TSN-DA1 adapter
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