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Guy Schmickle | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Tour of Scotland and Ireland tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A Tour of Scotland and Ireland

The included galleries are a visual tour of two weeks I spent in Ireland and Scotland from May 15 - May 30, 2004. On this particular vacation, I opted for a motorcoach tour which spent 5 days in Scotland and 8 days in Ireland. While bus tours are hardly conducive to good photography, they are a great way to see and learn alot about an unfamiliar place in a relatively short period of time. I even began mastering the art of quickly framing shots out of a window of a moving bus. Now I have a little appreciation for what photojournalists deal with. Get the shot quick and to the best of your ability, because you won't get another chance!! Fortunately, not all of our time was spent in the bus and there was plenty of time for more conventional photography! I hope you enjoy this visual tour.
Springtime in Scotland
:: Springtime in Scotland ::
A Journey Through Ireland
:: A Journey Through Ireland ::
People Shots
:: People Shots ::