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Guy Schmickle | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Sunrises and Sets > Autumn Sunset
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October, 2004 Guy Schmickle

Autumn Sunset

Jay Cooke State Park, MN.

A print of this image may be purchased HERE.

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Guest 19-Mar-2007 04:45
Hello, from Pine City, MN. You do fabulous work!!
Kim Randolph23-Oct-2005 11:28
Wow! Beautiful, Guy! I like the slow shutter speed and the water. I know this exact spot (St. Louis River on the drive from Carlton to Fon du Lac, right?) You've inspired me to drive through there today! Kim
Martin Schiff04-Jul-2005 18:37
Ken Zaret01-May-2005 14:25
awesome image. good lighting front and back.
Guest 07-Dec-2004 23:33
great shot
Shaun Lowe15-Oct-2004 17:01
Well done, terrific exposure.
Trevor Edwards11-Oct-2004 15:07
Awesome colours Guy. Really nice looking picture.
Gets my vote.
b-w studio07-Oct-2004 21:36
Really like this picture!!! Excellent details and colors!