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Markus Grompe | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Highlights from New Zealand 2024 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Highlights from New Zealand 2024

My favorite shots from our most recent trip to New Zealand.

I geotagged most of the images.
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Slipper Island at sunrise
Slipper Island at sunrise
Pauanui aerobatics
Pauanui aerobatics
Copper ocean
Copper ocean
Stingray bay
Stingray bay
Flax and ocean
Flax and ocean
Zebra dunes
Zebra dunes
Blue penguin
Blue penguin
Comic sharks
Comic sharks
Queen Charlotte sound
Queen Charlotte sound
Pelorus River swim hole
Pelorus River swim hole
Cacti in Nelson
Cacti in Nelson
Nelson fence
Nelson fence
Black swan flock
Black swan flock
Cape Farewell
Cape Farewell
Cape and Farewell spit
Cape and Farewell spit
Pancake rocks
Pancake rocks
Pancake rocks
Pancake rocks
Seal pup
Seal pup
His daddy
His daddy
Eel traps
Eel traps
Kaleidoscopic photographer
Kaleidoscopic photographer
Raindrop microscope
Raindrop microscope
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