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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favorites > His dad's golden pocket watch
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His dad's golden pocket watch

This watch was a gift from Lotte Grompe to her husband Paul, my father's father. It was the vessel for Karl's viaticum.

Canon EOS 20D
1/80s f/5.6 at 100.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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carol j. phipps01-Aug-2018 03:52
Outstanding photo with the reflection. V
cits_4_pets31-Jul-2018 16:31
Great keepsake and perfect for the hunt.
laine31-Jul-2018 16:07
What a special keepsake...beautifully photographed
John Barreiro19-Nov-2014 22:52
Your entry in Show and Tell led me here. With out the reflection it would be a good photo, but with it an excellent image. V
Sam Rua18-Jun-2013 20:37
The reflection reminds me of very Dali's "Persistence of Memory" and is very fitting for the subject.
Arnie Peterschmidt16-May-2012 05:38
This is really good Markus, the lighting, background and reflection from the inside of the case come together to make an exceptional image.
Guest 24-Feb-2008 15:42
Excelent shot