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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> Successful Show & Tell Contest Entries > old guys at the piazza
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old guys at the piazza

Honorable mention in the 302nd Show and Tell competition: "Senior citizens"

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/400s f/5.6 at 100.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Arnie Peterschmidt04-Dec-2013 03:14
Next thing you know someone will snap a photo of us and call it "old guys with cameras".
Ann...28-Sep-2013 07:26
I love this. It raises so many questions, are they all old friends, do they meet every day etc. Maybe some of them went to school together. We won't ever know but it's nice to imagine. V.
Barry Liimakka06-Dec-2007 00:03
A great capture . . . lots of things happening here . . . relaxed reflection, shared moments by friends . . . decades borne in their expressions . . . a glance at a pretty girl? . . . a rich image. V
Ken Zaret30-Nov-2007 02:41
this is a great shot. I like how the men are frozen, each with a distinct expression, but the middle guys focused on the guy on the left, who is clearly taking his time to make a decision. An interesting moment in time.