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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Galleries >> PsoD > columbia gorge
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columbia gorge

this is from a negative scan. for some reason, pBASE is making such images blurry. doesn't happen with digital images at the same resolution. don't understand why...

Nikon LS-5000
0.00s full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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MarcViskens28-Apr-2017 05:20
Very pretty
Ken Zaret08-Apr-2017 19:45
Great shot Markus, a hike in the old days.
Yohanan David03-Apr-2017 04:23
Amazing scene, great shot! V
Julie Oldfield29-Mar-2017 00:51
It doesn't look blurry. It is stunning. V
Ann Cleeves23-Mar-2017 23:27
Impressive landscape, and a great composition.
fotabug23-Mar-2017 23:00
That IA one huge hunk of rock! :)