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Markus Grompe | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Denali 1998 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Denali 1998

I decided to make a gallery from my scanned negatives from our 1998 Denali expedition. We climbed the West Ridge.
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Arrival in Talkeetna
Arrival in Talkeetna
Doug Geeting Aviation ready for us
Doug Geeting Aviation ready for us
Our gear in front of the plane
Our gear in front of the plane
Loading the plane
Loading the plane
River out of Talkeetna
River out of Talkeetna
Arrived at the 8000 foot base camp
Arrived at the 8000 foot base camp
Pulling sleds up to the 11,000 foot camp
Pulling sleds up to the 11,000 foot camp
120 pounds of gear each
120 pounds of gear each
those sleds were heavy
those sleds were heavy
Above motor cycle hill. Moving up from 11,000 to 14,000 feet
Above motor cycle hill. Moving up from 11,000 to 14,000 feet
Lots of crevasses
Lots of crevasses
Mt. Foraker in the distance
Mt. Foraker in the distance
Mike and I
Mike and I
Playing uno
Playing uno
14,000 foot camp
14,000 foot camp
It snowed during the night
It snowed during the night
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